Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday Scouting...for Junk!

The new spot at Faded Elegance
is keeping me jumping!
Last weekend, I needed a change of pace
going to my normal 'junkin' stomping grounds,
so I invited my friend Vicki along for some fun.
Vicki and I met years ago when our sons were on the same t-ball team.
The boys were 5 then and are 14 now! 
Over the years we have had a ton of fun with
our big group of friends.  We've even been walking buddies
for a couple of years now.
She always captures the fun with her camera.
Here's a peek back at a few events...
2009: Chopsticks Celebration: Bonnie, Me, Vicki

2009: New Years Eve: 70's Theme

2010: Concert at the Winery
Vicki, Tiffany, Me, Diane

2011: Vicki's 40th Birthday
Kelley, Me, Brandy, Tiffany, Vicki, Kirsten, Susan and Bonnie

New Years Eve 2012
As you can see...we have had our share of good times.
We found a lot of good stuff out shopping, most of which
I neglected to capture pictures of before they sold.
However, I just wrapped up this little antique coffee table that
Vicki spied for me (thank you!).


Magnolia (Maison Blanche La Craie)

Heavily distressed the edges and used dark wax to really age it.
Love how it turned out and it was even more cool
knowing that I had help picking it out!
It was so fun hanging out for the day with a good friend.
Feeling blessed today!
Have a fabulous week friends!

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